There were 8 Focused Suggestion Issues
1. 传统化工的革新与未来发展趋势
Innovation and development trend in chemical industry
2. 化工行业可持续发展的必然趋势:绿色化工
Green chemical industry: the inexorable tendency towards sustainable developments
3. 从多尺度到介尺度——复杂化工过程模拟的新挑战
From multi-scale to meso-scale: new challenges for simulation of complex processes
4. 能源高效、清洁利用与新能源/可再生能源开发(包括化石能源、生物 质能、太阳能等)
Efficient& clean energy utilization and the developmentsof new and renewable energy
5. 纳米科技前沿及其产业化发展动态
Frontier of nanotechnologyand its industrial developments
6. (化学工程与技术与生命科学、生物医药技术等的)多学科、多领域的交叉与融合
Cross integration of multidisciplinary science and technology
7. 先进化工企业与产学研一体化发展模式、国际(地区)间交流合作与 项目联合
Advanced chemical enterprises with integrated developments, andinternational communication and cooperation
8. 现代化工对人才需求的变化及走向、国际化人才培养与先进高等教育理念
Talents demand by modern chemical industry, andinternational talents training and advanced higher education philosophy.
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